A unique workshop curated for I.T companies exploring opportunities in the fin-tech space.

DalalStreetMojoA unique workshop curated for I.T. companies exploring opportunities in the FinTech space.

Financial Technology being the buzz word in IT, we have identified that FinTech in Capital Markets is a widely unexplored area.


One possible reason is that it includes a mix of in-depth technical and realistic market study to identify opportunities and build user-friendly products.


With India being the fastest growing economy in the world, the capital markets are set to grow multi-folds for the coming two decades.


We believe that the overall participation in the capital markets is set to double every 3 years due to fast & adaptive technology.

To be a part of this tide, we believe a hands-on approach is required to train your teams with tools & skills that will enhance their overall understanding of capital markets. 

Our 100 years of expertise in the financial markets has helped us pioneer customer experience & systems. We pride upon being one of India’s oldest and most reputed Financial Services firm.


Our workshops will improve the output of each employee through our carefully designed content & facilitation on Finance & Capital Markets.

We will cater to all parts of the Equity Markets

From Basic Structure to Users, Products, Service Providers etc.

Current systems & Opportunities

Trading & Research Concepts

Post-trade & Backoffice systems

Automation, Algo & A.I.

 We will cover the entire Stock Market Eco-System to give you ground level operational info to future possibilities & customer Insights!

To know more: Contact us

+91 99 3007 6007 | +91 877 926 1958
